
​Ferjo Noronha got his first guitar from his parents at the age of 11 as a compromise between drums (own choice) and piano (parents' choice). Ferjo is self-taught, and learned his first 3 chords (C, F & G) from his grandfather, who played lute, mandolin and "guitar", and then found out everything by himself, played with friends, and picked up something to his liking everywhere. His heart was in the blues, also because he had bought a blues harp, for which he turned out to have a natural talent. After some experiences in school bands and with very much talented friends, he took his first serious steps as a rhythm guitarist in an indo-rock band (of course, because he's an Indo and "Hageneis" by heart...)... (A Hageneis is someone from The Hague-Netherlands in local dialect)

​After his studies, he started a career as a bass player in various school and staff bands, simply because there was never a bass player present, and so he gradually started playing more and more bass guitarinstead of rhythm guitar, a common story for bass players... 
From 2010 on it got a bit more serious when he started playing as a bass player in Craft as a replacement for his son, and actually started performing with them in the Utrecht music scene. Craft is leading a dormant existence and therefore the request to play as a bass player with LovingCounty came as a great new challenge. He felt right at home!

​He doesn't like to be in the foreground and likes to deliver a solid, fat foundation together with the drums on which the vocals and guitars can do their thing... 

In daily life, he was a teacher of Media, Design and ICT at the Media School Hilversum and retired in 2023. 

In addition to LovingCounty, he plays with his son and part of Craft as a bassist and blues harp player in the blues project Sjonnie's Bloes Bent.

His gear:
Because he likes heavy and low, his favorite bass is his 5-string Cort.

For the more subtle work, there is the electro-acoustic Ibanez, all of which are coupled to his Ashdown Electric Blue amplifier.

Zijn uitrusting:

Omdat hij van zwaar en laag houdt, is zijn favoriete bas zijn 5-snarige Cort.

Voor het subtielere werk is er de elektro-akoestische Ibanez, die allemaal gekoppeld zijn aan zijn Ashdown Electric Blue-versterker.